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Mobilize Your City Agreement

The Mobilize Your City Agreement: A Step Towards Sustainable Urban Mobility

As the world’s population continues to urbanize, there is a growing need for sustainable transportation solutions that can alleviate congestion, reduce emissions, and improve accessibility. To address this challenge, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include a specific goal (SDG 11) on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. One of the key elements of this goal is to “provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all.”

To translate this global goal into concrete actions at the local level, the French government, in collaboration with the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), launched the Mobilize Your City (MYC) initiative in 2015. MYC is a global partnership that aims to support cities in developing and implementing sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) based on the best available practices and tools.

One of the key components of MYC is the MYC Agreement, which is a voluntary commitment by cities to develop and implement SUMPs that are aligned with the Paris Agreement on climate change and the SDGs. By signing the MYC Agreement, cities commit to:

– Developing a SUMP that includes an assessment of current mobility patterns, policies, and infrastructure, as well as a vision and action plan for sustainable mobility.

– Setting targets and indicators for sustainable mobility that are measurable, ambitious, and relevant to local conditions.

– Engaging stakeholders and the public in the SUMP process to ensure broad ownership and support.

– Reporting on progress towards the SUMP targets and indicators on a regular basis.

– Sharing their SUMP experience and knowledge with other cities through the MYC network.

By adopting the MYC Agreement, cities can benefit from technical assistance and capacity building support from MYC partners, including the French Development Agency, the European Commission, and the World Bank, among others. MYC also provides a platform for cities to exchange best practices, share success stories, and learn from each other’s challenges and solutions.

Several cities around the world have already joined MYC and signed the MYC Agreement, including Abidjan, Accra, Bangkok, Casablanca, Dakar, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Kampala, Manila, and Quito. These cities represent a diversity of geographical, economic, and social contexts, but share a common commitment to improving mobility for their citizens in a sustainable and equitable way.

The benefits of signing the MYC Agreement are manifold. First, it can help cities to align their mobility policies with global sustainability goals and best practices, which can enhance their credibility and legitimacy in the international community. Second, it can provide a framework for inter-sectoral collaboration and stakeholder engagement, which can ensure that different interests and perspectives are taken into account in the SUMP process. Third, it can provide access to funding and technical support that can help cities to implement their sustainable mobility plans and overcome financial, technical, or institutional barriers.

In conclusion, the Mobilize Your City Agreement is a promising initiative that can help cities to mobilize their efforts towards sustainable urban mobility. By signing the MYC Agreement, cities can benefit from technical assistance, capacity building, and knowledge sharing opportunities that can support them in developing and implementing SUMPs that are aligned with global sustainability goals and local needs and priorities. As a result, cities can contribute to a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient urban future that benefits all citizens.